Daphne is TEN months old!

Soooo this is a little late.

Daphne is now a 10 month old crazy kid.  She cannot sit still!  She finally has two teeth coming in… the two bottom ones.  Thank god!  Now I can stop having dreams about her needing dentures to start kindergarten!

She also just got her first ear infection.  Oh my heart hurt to see her not feeling well.  The only plus side to her being sick is I got to have some major snuggle sessions.  This girl is so busy that she has no time to cuddle with Mommy anymore.  She’s feeling better now and back to her crazy ways.

And did I mention she’s getting close to walking?  She holds onto stuff with one hand and can walk.  Then that’s when I will REALLY have my hands full!

So here are a few pictures from her quick 10 month shoot.

xoxo ashley






Daphne is 9 months

oh wow!  Daphne was 9 months old last week!  SSSLLLOOOWWWWW down please time!

We were on vacation last week so I have been on family time and haven’t had much time to edit.  We waited to take her pictures when we got home.  Here are a few.

GOSH I love that girl!

xoxo ashley


we gave up on trying to make her sit

we gave up on trying to make her sit

this is why there was no bow in most of the pictures

this is why there was no bow in most of the pictures


trying to escape

trying to escape

my faveeee

my faveeee

Baby P

HOLY MOLY!!!  I can now shout it to the roof tops!  My BFF Jessica aka YANKEE and her hubby Kurt are expecting!!!!

Words cannot describe how excited I am for these two.  I’ve always harassed Yankee about making Daphne a new friend, but I figured it would be a while… they had just moved back to NC and had a lot going on.

A few weeks ago, I was heading to Greensboro to go see Zoe and stopped in Cary to eat breakfast with Yankee.  I went to her apartment first so we could combine into one car.  When Daphne and I got upstairs we played for a little while, caught up, and shared a few ridiculous stories like we always do.  Yankee then looked at me nonchalantly and said, “Guess what?”  Then I replied, “You’re pregnant.”  Then Yank said…. “YEP!”  I was totally KIDDING!  Then I busted out in tears!  (Let me tell ya guys, having a baby makes you a hormonal mess)  She was so slick too!  She was acting like her usual self.  Yankee, you got me, you got me good!  So of course at breakfast we discussed all things baby.  I enjoyed every second of it.

Yankee then shared with me how she wanted to tell the world.  (See below)  SO FUNNY!  This was totally Kurt and Yankee.  They are silly.  🙂  After we took that picture we went onto the greenway and snapped a few more.  You can just see the excitement in their eyes.

Yankee and Kurt are going to be amazing parents.  Their kid will be well loved.  Their home will be full of laugher.  This kid is going to be a trip.  I love ALL 3 tremendously.

xoxo ashley

THIS is so them. :)  Yankee and Kurt's idea.

THIS is so them. 🙂 Yankee and Kurt’s idea.

Lil Jess? or Lil Kurt?

Lil Jess? or Lil Kurt?

ut oh hahahaha

ut oh hahahaha





There's a baby in there!

There’s a baby in there!

Lil Jess? or Lil Kurt?

Lil Jess? or Lil Kurt?